
04/22/24 Norfolk, Virginia to 5/1/204 The Chesapeake Bay

    04/23/2024   Left Norfolk, Virginia  heading to Deltaville. We passed a naval base as we were leaving the harbor. There was a naval boat in the water making sure you did not get too close.   A submarine passed behind us. Again, warnings went out to keep your distance. The broadcast also stated that it was going to submerge on the other side of the bay. Nancy and Dave got to Deltaville after us and rafted up to us. A couple from England passed by on their dinghy and we invited them over for drinks and snacks. A very interesting couple who have another boat in England but bought a boat here in the states to do the loop. This was a very peaceful anchorage with a beautiful sunset. 04/24/2024 We headed to Tangier Island and docked at Parks Marina. This is a really small town of about 436 people. Nancy and I got our bikes out and rode around this also small island. Most shops were closed until Memorial Day when boaters start coming to the town.  The owner of the marina provided warm hosp